Disc Golf with Chaz Course Map Chiang Mai Expats Club ChiangMaiExpatsClubDisc Golf with Chaz

A great new opportunity for playing disc golf with Chaz is happening weekly.

Location Huay Tung Tao.


Disc golf (often referred to as frisbee golf) is a flying disc game, as well as a precision and accuracy sport, in which individual players throw a disc at or into a target.  The object of the game is to complete a course (like golf, usually 18 holes) in the fewest number of throws.  It is one of the fastest sports in the world and is played in over 50 countries.

What is Disc Golf? – Watch the Video Here

Join the Chiang Mai Disc Golf Facebook group



Contact: Chaz Burton  chazburton@hotmail.com   or 095 786 2677

Location: Running/Riding track in front of Huay Tung Tao Park

Times: Tue, Thus and Sun 4:30pm (apx)  or, contact and suggest a time


For More Information, please contact Chaz at 095 786 2677

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