CEC Meeting Chiang Mai Expats Club ChiangMaiExpatsClub Duangtawan 1


25 Jan 2025


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

CEC General Meeting Duangtawan Hotel

CEC General Meeting meets on the 4th Saturday of each month, 9:45 am – 12:00 pm.

The meeting will follow the “variety” format that we experimented with last month, and there are four items on the agenda. Here they are.
We are so excited to be able to finally gather again for a General Meeting. We have some great speakers to start us off. More details will follow in future newsletters.

We are a member-run organization and to that end we are hoping that some of you will share ideas for upcoming speakers and offer to serve on the Program Committee.

I promise, as the chair, that the committee will only meet once a month and whenever possible by phone, email, or zoom. The best way to contact me is through my CEC email at programs@chiangmaiexpatspats.com.

Hosted at the Duangtawan Hotel, with coffee at 9:45 am and the meeting starting at 10.30 am. Admission will be 220 baht for members, 270 baht for non-members. 300 baht at the door.

If you missed any previous meetings, you can catch up here.

Meetings on YouTube

Our monthly meetings are going on our YouTube Channel – just click here!

New Chiang Mai Expats Club Facebook group

Join here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaiexpatsclub/

OGAs are special interest groups informally connected to the club, and independent of the club. All 14 of them are listed here.